USA Retrospective
The Bikes of the Time...
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As the sport of skibobbing spread across the country, the entrepreneurial spirit could not be denied.
American bikes of various designs were created and manufactured to supplement the European models
already available. Some of the Yankee offerings are showcased below...
* This is definitely a work in progress... If you have any information or photos
relevant to this subject that you would like to share, please contact: postman[at]ski-
American Bikes
(Currently Known)
All American
Ski Bug
Snow Bike
SITZSKI (top & bottom photos)
Mfg by: Spectra Sports Inc, San Rafael, CA | List: $155 |
Owner: Fred Petersen
ALL AMERICAN | Mfg by: American Skibob Mfg Corp, Littleton, CO
The SKI-
Note: The patent design application for this youth bike was filed in 1957 and granted
in 1959. This is probably the first skibike manufactured in the USA in the modern
(post 1950) era. I purchased this bike brand-
SKI BUG | Mfg by: Totalmold Inc, Englewood, CO | Features: Fiberglass construction
Wooster, Ohio|
Original price: $39.95
Owner: Dave Gonzalez
APOLLO | Mfg by: De-
Note: The bike owner says his father purchased this bike for him in 1946-
Snow Bike | Mfg: Orinda, California | Patent applied for December 19, 1968 by: Mason
Latch and Ali R. Saeedi | Features: Aluminum bike-
NGC | Mfg by: C.E. White, New Washington,OH | Features: Very wide aluminum skis
* This appears to be a close copy of the Wooster
Schuss | Mfg by: Dadoc Mfg. Co, Berwyn, Ill. | List: $109.95 | Circa: 1969 |
Note the tow bar at the top-
RollFast | Mfg: New York State | Circa: 1940's ? | Owner: Ron Sannicandro
Note: Professionally restored
The Trike. Information wanted...